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Where do I run without a dog chasing me? Community respect.


I am writing to tell everyone about my painful experienced a few weeks ago.

While I went for a run at Roches beach, I was chased by two big dogs and no owner to be seen. I decided to slow down and the dogs continued barking at me. The owner showed of out of the carpark only to abused me. I replied " I am sorry but I do not, know your big dogs, they are scary! Saying this the man got infurated and literally corner me to the steps with his dogs. I was scared. Then he smiled sadically saying " My dogs are not scary". I continued up the steps really anoided by this harrasment.

This event prompted two big questions:

Do I have the right to excercise freely without been chased by dogs?

Or do I have to run in circles in a restricted area only to allow dogs to exercise elsewhere?

We live in a community where the infatuation for dogs is such that the respect to other people is meaningless? In saying this it becomes even less important the damage dogs have to the local animals and beaches.

While there is no respect towards others we cannot live in a functional society.

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