CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Devastating Proposals

I moved to Tasmania from the UK early last year and in November, my dog joined me. I have bought a unit on the Mornington/Bellerive border. It has very little outdoor space for my dog but I thought it would be ok as we have Waverley Flora Park a 5 minute walk away - ample opportunity for us to get out for a daily walk where she can run and sniff and be a happy dog. I have sent pictures of her enjoying herself in areas like this and Bellerive Beach back to folks in the UK, where they are admired and make people jealous. I am now regretting bringing her out here and think she may have been better off if I had had her re-homed in the UK. If these changes are implemented it is going to be absolutely devastating for us. We will completely lose access to anywhere where I can take her for a walk off-lead. She needs the opportunity to run and sniff and explore and be a happy dog. The off-lead areas such as South St reserve are completely inadequate for providing physical and mental stimulation. My mental health is starting to suffer at the prospect of these proposals going ahead over the guilt I am feeling of what kind of quality of life my dog is going to have. She has never done any harm to the local fauna and flora in the reserves we visit (which is probably more than can be said for cats that are completely unregulated and are free to roam at nights). We often use the Tangara Trail in Acton Park. We only meet horses and cyclists very infrequently, and when we have, there have been no issues whatsoever. If I see a cyclist or a horse approaching, I take physical control of my dog until they pass and expect the majority of responsible dog owners would do the same. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reconsider these proposals. Seriously consider the impact you are going to have on the emotional and physical well-being of so many dogs and their owners if these changes go ahead.

Contributions to this consultation are now closed for evaluation and review.