Community consultation on the draft Victoria Esplanade and Queen Street Master Plan closed on 14 May 2023.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. We received 94 responses to the survey as well as individual submissions. The consultation report can be found here or in the document folder.

Council received extensive feedback on a wide variety of issues during our engagement with the community on the draft master plan. The project team is currently reviewing the feedback and will release a summary of the outcomes of the consultation process in the coming weeks.

The team are also considering the next steps in the master planning process and will soon release more information about any proposed changes to the master plan, further community consultation activities, or other steps in the process towards adopting the master plan. Keep checking this page for information or use the 'Stay Informed' feature on the right of this page to receive updates by email.

Project Information

Clarence City Council has prepared a draft master plan for Victoria Esplanade and Queen Street in Bellerive.

You can view the draft master plan in the 'Documents' section on the right-hand side of this page or click here.

The master plan was prepared following community consultation in 2019 which identified a strong desire to improve the landscape and streetscape to celebrate the connection with and views across the River Derwent, provide better shared pathways and connections, improve traffic and parking, and generally activate the area to encourage people to stay longer.

It sets out a vision for the Victoria Esplanade and Queen Street precinct to provide a welcoming place which celebrates the location and provides for safe and equitable access for everyone.

The draft master plan was released for community consultation on between 3 April and 14 May 2023.


Victoria Esplanade & Queen St Master plan survey

Thank you for taking part in this survey for the Victoria Esplanade and Queen St Master Plan.

The survey should take around 5 minutes to complete, depending on your answers.

We will ask some structured questions and provide opportunities to share your reasons. Lastly, we will ask a few general questions about you.

We are looking for frank and honest answers. We assure you that your responses will be kept strictly confidential and data will be reported in an aggregated form that will not identify you.

The Survey has now concluded.