Festivals & Events in Clarence


Thank you to everyone who participated and everyone who has shown an interest in events and festivals in Clarence. We received surveys from 121 community members. The summary of what we heard can be found in the documents folder or click here.

Highlights of what we heard:

  • Feedback was given from people who had attended a broad range of events and festivals including Clarence Jazz Festival, Bellerive Beach Party, Story Festival, Christmas in Clarence as well as one off events and concerts at Rosny Barn.
  • We received high levels of satisfaction overall and across individual elements including the Diversity of programming, quality, and venues.
  • We heard from some first-time attendees of Clarence events and festivals as well as many who have been attending for over 5 years.
  • Social media is a way many are hearing about activities but pleasingly word of mouth is strong and it's great to hear that events are being talked about.
  • 8 in 10 say they would be 'very likely' to recommend council arts and cultural event to others.

We will use all the feedback along with the guidelines from our Strategy to inform how we continue to bring a mix of cultural activities to Clarence for all the community to enjoy.

Please visit the Clarence Arts & Events webpage to see what is coming up and join the mailing list to get emails to stay up to date:

Home - Clarence Arts & Events (clarenceartsandevents.net)

Background - consultation now closed

Clarence City Council’s Arts & Events functions deliver an annual program of festivals and events that aim to enrich the cultural fabric of our community. Some events happen every year including the popular:

  • Clarence Jazz Festival
  • Story Festival
  • Dogs Day Out &
  • Christmas in Clarence

Also, one-off and new community celebrations and events such as the:

  • Richmond Bicentenary
  • Paint, Party, Run &
  • Bellerive Beach Party

These offerings are essential, not just as platforms showcasing local creative talent but also as symbols of communal unity and pride. They are pivotal in creating employment opportunities across various sectors, from the arts to hospitality services and beyond, supporting an ecosystem that includes everyone from individual creatives to small businesses and community groups. This holistic approach to cultural events not only enriches our cultural landscape but also bolsters economic growth and tourism in the City of Clarence.

Building on this foundation, we are launching a community consultation project to ensure our future festivals and events continue to reflect and celebrate the evolving interests and diversity of Clarence. This consultation is informed by several factors: it is strategically linked to the Council’s Cultural Creative Strategy 2023 – 2033, a positioning document that outlines the Council's support and investment in the arts and the creative economy. Moreover, even though Tasmania was spared a lot of the initial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the aftermath is now being felt, with a fundamental shift in the way audiences engage with cultural events, and noticeable shifts in attendance patterns, preferences, and community dynamics.

This project is an open invitation for all community members to share their ideas, aspirations, and feedback on how we can enhance and tailor our cultural offerings. By actively engaging in this dialogue, stakeholders in Clarence’s cultural landscape have a unique opportunity to shape the programming and direction of our arts and events. This ensures they remain relevant, inclusive, and reflective of the broad tapestry of our community.

By participating in our survey, you're helping to shape the future of our community events and festivals. Share your insights with us and be a part of something special today!

How to have your say

We have multiple ways of sharing your feedback. The survey and any other feedback can be provided online, email or post, over the phone or in person. The consultation will be open from 12 April until 2 June 2024. Extended from the original 4 weeks to include Storytime events.

  • Please click our survey link below
  • Email us to tell us more at yoursay@ccc.tas.gov.au
  • Call any of the people and teams in the 'Who's listening' list.

Please take a look at the Clarence Arts & Events page to read more about the events mentioned or see some of the other events that have happened recently.

Past Events - Clarence Arts & Events (clarenceartsandevents.net)


Thank you to everyone who participated and everyone who has shown an interest in events and festivals in Clarence. We received surveys from 121 community members. The summary of what we heard can be found in the documents folder or click here.

Highlights of what we heard:

  • Feedback was given from people who had attended a broad range of events and festivals including Clarence Jazz Festival, Bellerive Beach Party, Story Festival, Christmas in Clarence as well as one off events and concerts at Rosny Barn.
  • We received high levels of satisfaction overall and across individual elements including the Diversity of programming, quality, and venues.
  • We heard from some first-time attendees of Clarence events and festivals as well as many who have been attending for over 5 years.
  • Social media is a way many are hearing about activities but pleasingly word of mouth is strong and it's great to hear that events are being talked about.
  • 8 in 10 say they would be 'very likely' to recommend council arts and cultural event to others.

We will use all the feedback along with the guidelines from our Strategy to inform how we continue to bring a mix of cultural activities to Clarence for all the community to enjoy.

Please visit the Clarence Arts & Events webpage to see what is coming up and join the mailing list to get emails to stay up to date:

Home - Clarence Arts & Events (clarenceartsandevents.net)

Background - consultation now closed

Clarence City Council’s Arts & Events functions deliver an annual program of festivals and events that aim to enrich the cultural fabric of our community. Some events happen every year including the popular:

  • Clarence Jazz Festival
  • Story Festival
  • Dogs Day Out &
  • Christmas in Clarence

Also, one-off and new community celebrations and events such as the:

  • Richmond Bicentenary
  • Paint, Party, Run &
  • Bellerive Beach Party

These offerings are essential, not just as platforms showcasing local creative talent but also as symbols of communal unity and pride. They are pivotal in creating employment opportunities across various sectors, from the arts to hospitality services and beyond, supporting an ecosystem that includes everyone from individual creatives to small businesses and community groups. This holistic approach to cultural events not only enriches our cultural landscape but also bolsters economic growth and tourism in the City of Clarence.

Building on this foundation, we are launching a community consultation project to ensure our future festivals and events continue to reflect and celebrate the evolving interests and diversity of Clarence. This consultation is informed by several factors: it is strategically linked to the Council’s Cultural Creative Strategy 2023 – 2033, a positioning document that outlines the Council's support and investment in the arts and the creative economy. Moreover, even though Tasmania was spared a lot of the initial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the aftermath is now being felt, with a fundamental shift in the way audiences engage with cultural events, and noticeable shifts in attendance patterns, preferences, and community dynamics.

This project is an open invitation for all community members to share their ideas, aspirations, and feedback on how we can enhance and tailor our cultural offerings. By actively engaging in this dialogue, stakeholders in Clarence’s cultural landscape have a unique opportunity to shape the programming and direction of our arts and events. This ensures they remain relevant, inclusive, and reflective of the broad tapestry of our community.

By participating in our survey, you're helping to shape the future of our community events and festivals. Share your insights with us and be a part of something special today!

How to have your say

We have multiple ways of sharing your feedback. The survey and any other feedback can be provided online, email or post, over the phone or in person. The consultation will be open from 12 April until 2 June 2024. Extended from the original 4 weeks to include Storytime events.

  • Please click our survey link below
  • Email us to tell us more at yoursay@ccc.tas.gov.au
  • Call any of the people and teams in the 'Who's listening' list.

Please take a look at the Clarence Arts & Events page to read more about the events mentioned or see some of the other events that have happened recently.

Past Events - Clarence Arts & Events (clarenceartsandevents.net)

Page last updated: 06 Jun 2024, 02:40 PM