CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Responsible dog ownership

I respect people wishing to have off-lead exercise options for their dogs, but, I have had several bad experiences by owners who either have their dogs off lead in on-lead areas (and then abuse me when I ask them to put their dogs on lead, or call their dog away from mine), or, dogs who race up to my dog and the owners have no control over their dogs when asked to call their dog away.

Not all dogs are friendly and perhaps they don't enjoy having other dogs race up to them. Owners with dogs who prefer to have their dogs on lead, also deserve to have the option of exercising their dogs safely and without stress. Lets not assume that all dogs are ok off lead or that they have a reliable recall and will return to their owners immediately when called.

I would like to see more fenced, secure, off-lead areas in Clarence. John Turnbull Park in Lenah Valley is a great example of a secure, off lead dog park. Please build more like this in Clarence.

Whatever decisions are made surrounding this issue, certainly, not everyone is going to be pleased.

Contributions to this consultation are now closed for evaluation and review.