CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.


Why is it that the few who have no regard for their fellow dog walkers, jeopardise the rights and enjoyment of others who enjoy the company and facilities of ANZAC Park is bewildering?

The many, many times l have and others cleaned up after those few that don't give two hoots about hygiene. We love our Park and it is so important to clean up after our dogs. These same people above, will no doubt be those that leave their pet's droppings on footpaths!

My husband, who is disabled and has a walker enjoys his times being able to walk in the safety of flat paths and the happy people as our footpaths are too dangerous for him to go far. Of course we take our little dog and for my husband this is the highlight of his day when he is well enough to attend. Our 'baby' was so very frightened when we first bought her that ANZAK PARK has helped enormously to cure her of her anxiety and although still shy, she can't wait to get there.

The friendliness of all that gather with or without dogs is wonderful for those that don't get the opportunity to go out, due to circumstances is wonderful. The elderly in particular as so many of us are, are delighted to see the dogs run and play, something that is beyond most of us.

My dear Mother who was in the Services during the 2nd World War has her photograph on The Wall of Rememberence in ANZAK Park and l wonder what she would think if she were here?

Where has commonsense gone.

Contributions to this consultation are now closed for evaluation and review.