CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Anzac park

  1. The dog owners who use the park are predominately rate payers, and there are many.
  2. In many years use I have never seen a dog fight or a dog attack any person or child, showing the owners are responsible citizens.
  3. All regular owners clean up after their dogs even going as far as cleaning up after irresponsible users
  4. A visit to the park, and public consultation would demonstrate what a friendly and safe environment it is for all users and their families. A visit has actually occurred last weekend by only three of the aldermen and we were subjected to the usual political "no speak"
  5. The non-dog owners using the park, with whom I have discussed this possible proposal, have all stated how much they have enjoyed the atmosphere in the park seeing families and their dogs having fun and they often stop to pet the dog or discuss it with the owners, never have I seen an objection.
  6. There has been a suggestion that use of the park by dog owners shows a disrespect for the memorials the fallen heroes of all wars, nothing could be further from the truth, the area is greatly respected. I suggest that many of the fallen would have been dog owners and lovers and were they with us now they would thoroughly enjoy sitting on one of the benches watching all the families and their pets respectively enjoying a beautiful environment.
  7. Council claims to have sought input from various sources such as the Dogs Home and others, as far as we can ascertain no mention was made of Anzac Park if indeed input was sought, was this deliberate? In other words did council pose a question in terms that elicited the answer they wanted. If this is the case then it would appear the Council has acted with intention to mislead the ratepayers and this deception may be an offence under the Code of Conduct section of the Tasmanian Local Government Act (1993), legal advice is being sought on this matter.

Contributions to this consultation are now closed for evaluation and review.