Project Overview

We are undertaking community consultation on the draft master plan for a new off-lead dog park in Cambridge.

We are seeking community review and comment on the proposed park design, layout and features to ensure they meet the needs of both dogs and their owners.

The main aim of this consultation is to seek community feedback and ideas on the draft master plan. This feedback will then be used to refine the design into a final master plan for council consideration.

Funding for the construction of the park is currently not allocated and detailed construction documentation and costings will need to be undertaken prior to consideration of funding in any future council budget.


A Notice of Motion was presented at the council meeting held on 14 January 2019 for the establishment of a ‘state-of-the-art’ dog park in Clarence.

Council recognises the growing community demand for fenced, safe and specially designed facilities for the exercise of dogs in Clarence.

South Street, Bellerive is currently the only fenced off-lead dog park and training area in the city and receives high and growing user numbers all year round.

Various council-owned parcels of land across Clarence were assessed to see if they were suitable for development as an off-lead dog park. After reviewing these options, we have determined that 1000 Cambridge Road, Cambridge is the most suitable location for development and council officers have undertaken concept design works for the site.

This location sits in the wider Cambridge Oval precinct and is currently fenced to prohibit general public access. The site is undeveloped aboveground but has the significant underground stormwater infrastructure and pipe networks that service the Cambridge area. This limits the capacity for the land to be developed for any other purposes.

The site sits next to the Barilla Rivulet and in the future will be readily accessible for pedestrians from the Barilla Rivulet Trail that will travel east-west along the creek line.

Car parking is currently available across the wider Cambridge Oval site and existing suburban footpath connections allow residents in surrounding residential areas to walk to the oval.

The Cambridge Off Lead Dog Park Draft Master Plan is available for download in the document library. A Site Context Plan is also provided to show the site's location in the context of wider Cambridge and the Cambridge Oval precinct.

More information on dog ownership in Clarence and the Dog Management Policy can be accessed at

Have Your Say

Have your say by reviewing the draft master plan and completing our survey.

The results of the survey will inform the refinement of the draft master plan into a final version for council consideration.